I can't exactly say today was all that productive. I mean 11'o clock wake up calls, messy hair, messy room. I was sure that I'll be ready for 2011 by today...but it's just hard to start fresh again. I sound as if I'm leaving Earth to live on another planet or something but it's the bold truth. You see, I was planning this whole 'fresh start' thing five days ago. Something like new hairstyle, with a new room, just everything new. But I've still got the same old hairstyle and on top of that my room looks like it had a fight by itself. I better get cleaning. Oh and today, I reactivated my old, old facebook just for the fun of it. And found a heapful load of old photos. Starting from immature rude fingers, dorky hairstyles, weird fashion, endless amounts of lovos and of course the unnecessary tongues.
@ Abbey's 15th
 and of course, the slacking off in class.

There's the unnecessary tongue.....
I learnt so many things in 2010. There are things I regret doing, and things I regret not doing. But nonetheless, it's got me this far into my life. I can't promise anyone that I won't make any mistakes in 2011, but being the mature girl I am (hehe) I am willing to prevent myself from doing anything stupid and useless. This year, I taught myself to trust others more, and that they don't always mean harm. I also learnt that it's not all about receiving and sometimes it feels better to know that someone is happy because of you. I learnt that love at first sight, never does you good and laying your eyes on someone you shouldn't rips your heart into a million pieces. I saw friends come and go and found myself relying on others for my happiness. I should really fix that.
So anyway, today being the New Years Eve, I think our family is either going to watch the fireworks or we're headed to the church. I shouldn't say this, but I much prefer fireworks, but I think going to church would be more beneficial to me. So happy new years eve to anyone reading this, and I hope you have a good day!!
Signing out of 2010, Dahee Kim.
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